Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Small Amount of Catch Up

I was going to share a cute little video that Nicole has on her blog, but I've been fighting an HTML code war with Blogger that's just about driven me crazy! I finally gave up and decided to post the same old boring stuff I always talk about! Clayton's had two doctor's appointments so far this week and we've got two more to go. It seems like all of his appointments always clump together and I end up driving to Little Rock several times in a week and then I'll go a few weeks without having to go at all--don't know how it ends up that way. He's back to normal on his oxygen, still has a cough but I'm sure that will linger for a while. I'm just glad he's back to his old self.

On the pregnancy front, I'm still sick off and on and it hits at all times of the day. And I'm craving something really special to eat and I've yet to find it even though I've been searching for a couple of weeks now! I'm hungry for something, but just can't seem to find that right something! I go back to the doctor next Tuesday and I can't wait to see little Baby C on ultrasound again!
We've been busy with church--we are having a churchwide emphasis on family and marriage based on the movie Fireproof. If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth watching--one of those that will make you think about your actions. Or at least it's made me think! The study just started this week and will go on through the Advent season. We also have Christmas music coming up which is always time consuming but always worth it. Clayton's class is getting ready for their little Chirstmas program and I can't wait to see him up on stage with his bells!


Nic said...

I loved that movie. Josh and I went to see it in the theater with our church. I can't wait to baby C Either. Which may I add I think is a girl =)

Anonymous said...

Baby C. Cute. I glad to hear Clayton is doing better.

Do you think you may wind up in the kitchen acting like a mad scientist throwing different foods together to sate your craving? :) Good luck with that.

Patti H said...

Glad to hear that Clayton is feeling better. So excited to hear about your up and coming doctor's appt. Miss hearing from you Ashley!

Cheri Pryor said...

I seriously hope you get your HTML stuff figured out BEFORE Clayton's program!! I hope to see it live on your blog! lol! So glad your little man is feeling better...and I hope you get your special food soon, whatever it turns out to be. lol!

Leslie said...

I can't wait to see that movie!