Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Last of VBS

Clayton picking out his door prize:

The VBS theme was "Custom Garage," so everything the kids did revolved around racing and cars. (Tied to Jesus by the fact that we are all custom made by God and made to love Him and serve others). They got a special treat at the end of the night: Shane brought a real-life drag racing car for them to see. Not really Bible related, but the kids loved it anyway!!

And I have to include this picture just because I love this little boy--he is in Clayton's class and even though he's one of the youngest he is smart as a whip. He's attached himself to me and Brian and hangs all over Clayton too. He's rarely still (we had to bribe him for this pic), but there's just something about him that makes us want to love him despite all that wildness!


Patti H said...

great photos Ashley! Where the heck have you been lately?

Oscar T. Grouch said...

love that car, it rocks.