I sat out on the porch this afternoon with Clayton and he decided that today was the day to try the regular chairs. He worried me to death about it and I finally gave in. He actually did very well all by himself! He even got to where he would rock by himself and didn't get nervous one bit--didn't fall over either! After he got used to it, he had to inspect the table a bit and we even did some artwork while he sat there (he didn't care that the table was way too high). He said "all done" after about ten minutes and I moved him back to his chair--and then it became a game. This chair, that chair, this chair, that chair, etc. I only let him switch a couple more times before I said no way, Jose! My back gets enough workout as it is, I'm not going to sit here and switch you back and forth all afternoon! At any rate, it just goes to show that he is making progress, even if slow. He's gaining more and more independence and I hope that he eventually gets to the point where he can at least transition himself from chair to chair if he wants to do that. He's been doing so awesome in therapy lately that I know it will come in time.
Look at that sweet boy! Great photos Ashley!
he's the most beautiful boy ever...but you knew that right?
I love it! How big is he :)
that is fantastic ashley.
HE is just too cute for words. I love seeing new pics of him. He is becoming quite the little man!!
oh Goodness! That last picture looks like a gap ad-- he is adorable!
Oh my gosh!! No way!! He is too stinkin' cute and I can just hear him choosing chairs, LOL!! Give him smooches from me!!
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