Beautiful day here today--I have a ton of things to keep me busy. Never got to those bathrooms last week although I did get the sheets on the bed changed. I guess that counts for something!
I've got a ton of laundry and some design team assignments I need to wrap up. I also need to sit down and pay bills which is always a barrel of fun . . . .
My friends
Becky and
Noel both tagged me on their blogs and these were my directions:
1. Link to your tagger, and also post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of you post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.
I'm going to cheat and only complete steps one and two--I don't know if I know 7 people that would play along! So anyway, here are 7 random and not-so-random facts about me:
1. I'm a night owl by nature, but having a child that won't sleep without me is cutting into my staying up late schedule.
2. I get motion sick EASY--like even swinging on a swing makes me ill. Not a good quality.
3. I sing on the praise team at church and I get totally stressed if I don't get to use the same microphone each week. YES, I'm that obsessive-compulsive! (Luckily, the other members have learned to work with me on this!)
4. I finally made the plunge and started coloring my hair last year--the gray is getting bad!
5. I eat some form of peanut butter every day.
6. I wish they had had American Idol back in my younger days so I could have given it a try.
7. Fall became my favorite season in the last couple of years--lovin' the weather, just wish it would last!