Sunday, May 28, 2006
Thirty Years
Friday, May 26, 2006
The Big Picture

Thursday, May 25, 2006
"Africa Hot"
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I've Been Busy

Monday, May 22, 2006
Small Milestone
Friday, May 19, 2006
Happy Scrap-versary to Me!

So to give you a peek at how much my scrapping style has changed, I thought I would post my very latest page (I completed this one last night). I'm still a linear kinda girl, but my style has definitely evolved. I had so much fun doing this page and I still can't believe how much fun we had at the Scrap Etc. Event--I wanted this page to reflect that.

Who knows what another year of scrapping will bring me? I'm hoping to focus on submitting to magazines and really making my classes exciting--I can't wait to see where I am at this time next year.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Woman of the Night
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tagged by Nancyroo
Four jobs that I've had:
1. Fast food
2. Waitress
3. Office assistant
4. Teacher
Four movies I could watch again: (I've seen these all a gazillion times)
1. Steel Magnolias
2. My Cousin Vinny
3. Raising Arizona
4. Lonesome Dove
Four places I've lived:
1. Arkansas
2. Wyoming
that's it!
Four favorite TV shows:
1. Amazing Race
2. Iron Chef
3. Survivor
4. Anything on CourtTV
Four places I've vacationed:
1. Florida
2. Montana
3. Colorado
4. Las Vegas
Four websites I visit daily:
4. and a bunch of blogs
Four favorite foods:
1. Reeses peanut butter cups
2. Chicken chimichanga
4. Is Diet Coke a food?
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Montana
2. Gulf Coast of Florida
3. Greers Ferry Lake
4. ??
Four names of your children you may/may not have:
1. Shawn Phillip
2. Clayton James
3. not telling
4. not telling
So there you have it--maybe you've learned some little something about me today. Now I tag my friends Oscar, Lesle and Lori!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Step Up Your Scrapbooking!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Mother's Day Recap
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Bright, Sunny Day
Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there!
Friday, May 12, 2006
My Scrapping Buddy

Thursday, May 11, 2006
More Projects Done

I also worked on one of these cool mini albums by Daisy D's. It comes with everything you need to create a cute keepsake album--it has room for lots of small mementos from your baby's first months of life. I liked working on this, but I was a little challenged, simply because I don't have the regular small baby photos that most people have. I had to improvise and use some snapshots of Clayton when he was older.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
RAK'd by Oscar
Monday, May 08, 2006
Cheerleading: As a little girl, I played like a cheerleader and did little girl cheers and motions. But when it came time to actually try out for cheerleading in junior high, I didn't sign up. I was totally afraid to because I "wasn't good at it." It took a last minute phone call from my parents to the sponsor to get me signed up for the pep squad. I got my uniform and ran with it. Cheerleading became an obsession for me--I ran around all the time doing motions and high kicks. I eventually served as captain of the squad for two years and was on an all-star competitive squad. I just couldn't be average--I had to be the best.
Water skiiing: I can't remember how old I was when my parents bought a boat, but I do remember that I quickly became proficient on two skis. My family nagged and nagged me to try out the slalom ski, but I wouldn't for the longest time. Again, I "wasn't good at it." But finally, I took the plunge and learned how to slalom. And I quickly became very good. I never competed or anything simply because we didn't have the right boat or equipment, but I can definitley hold my own on a ski. The only problem now is that I'm so out of shape, I can barely get back in the boat after skiiing! But who knew that the girl who wouldn't try would become so good?
Singing: I come from a family that loves to sing. My mom's parents have always sung in their church choir, and my mom has a great alto voice. She plays the piano and I would always sing with her at home while she played. I always wanted to sing at church, but was too afraid. I literally did not want to sing unless I knew I would be good. I would just rather not sing unless I was going to knock their socks off. When we joined First Church, I decided to sing in the choir. I quickly became comfortable with the music and finally told the director I was ready for a solo. The song he gave me was a powerful worship chorus. When I sang for the first time, my family was there and they were floored. They couldn't believe I had been holding back for so long! I am now an important part of the praise team and I've even put a couple of songs on a CD. Again, this is one of those things that I didn't want to do unless I could be the best.
And now scrapbooking: A couple of my close friends have been scrapbooking for a few years. They tried to talk me into it, but I just couldn't see it. I knew that once I started I would be spending LOADS of money on this hobby. Holly did a scrapbook for me with Shawn's pictures and that sparked my interest. It wasn't until Clayton was home and relatively well that I decided to try scrapbooking. And of course, being the loner that I am, I didn't ask for help. I just started researching on the internet and went off to the store by myself. I did my first page and was hooked. I immediately had to go buy more supplies to do more pages. (I was so right about the spending money part). I'm completely obsessed with scrapbooking and like all my other activities, I want to be the best. Why do average pages when you can do AWESOME pages?! I just hope that someday I'll be able to create "awesome" pages on a regular basis. The great thing about scrapbooking is the neverending range of ideas and things to try on your pages. You've always got your next page to do something new on.
I've got other addictions--a lot of them just simply for comfort reasons. Diet Coke and Jif peanut butter, to name a couple. Some of my past addictions on TV have been Law and Order and Iron Chef. I still watch them for "comfort," but I think I've got every episode memorized. I keep CourtTV on most of the day--can't go a day without checking in on the latest court case.
I guess I've learned to live with these addictions. It doesn't really bother me, but Brian becomes a little annoyed now and then. After all, he's the one who has to foot the bill for all the scrapbooking supplies. But he is glad that I've found something to be passionate about. For so long after Clayton came home, I was passionate about nothing. Scrapbooking has definitely helped me heal in so many ways and it's helped to give my life a little bit of a spark that it was missing.