A couple of weeks ago in Bible Study, we had a long discussion about miracles. As a group, we came to the conclusion that miracles are happening everyday and all around us, and we only need to change our perspective to recognize them. Moreover, it would even do us some good to reflect on what we have prayed for and learn to recognize the subtle answers to those prayers, even if they didn't come in the way of the parting of the Red Sea.
Shawn and Clayton were born at 24 weeks gestation. At 23 weeks gestation, the lungs are still a solid mass, not even able to hold air. So when they were born, their lungs were only just beginning to have semi-functional air sacs. This is why premature babies battle so many respiratory complications. Throughout the months in the NICU, we were told Clayton would battle "chronic lung disease" (generic name for crappy lungs) for his entire life. And in fact, he was on oxygen 24/7 until around the time he was five years old. Any cold, any flu, ANYthing seemed to affect his ability to oxygenate. It seemed we would always live with the oxygen tanks nearby.
Fast forward to the Shunt Debacle of 2010. With hours to sit and think, Brian and I started to realize that something was different this time. Clayton had been off oxygen for quite a while, but he also hadn't been sick. But here he was, sicker than he'd been in a long time and his lungs were functioning beautifully. THAT, dear blog readers, IS A MIRACLE! How often did we pray that the Lord would heal his lungs? How often did we pray to be rid of that blessed nasal cannula? How often?! Did the answer come is some flash of lightening? No. But the answer DID come! Clayton's last two chest x-rays have showed NO SIGN of lung disease. NONE. For the last two years, Clayton has been off of ALL inhalers. He doesn't even require maintenance inhalers! We've seen the pulmonologist once a year for the past three years and he is pretty much ready to call Clayton done with pulmonology and has discontinued his oxygen prescriptions.
Miracles. They're out there, folks. Had enough money to pay the bills this month? For some, a definite miracle. Your boss changed your hours so you have more time for family? Miracle. Sold your house right on the deadline? Miracle. You were told you had MS one day, the next day doctors can find no sign of the disease? Miracle. Healthy baby born at full-term? MIRACLE.
Some come in an instant, some come after years. But there is no denying Our God is working on our behalf in the midst of the small details as well as the big. It's just up to us to recognize it.
Thanks for sharing this, Ashley! You are so right! Sometimes we have our eye on THE miracle that we overlook the other miracles that are occurring. God is so good to us. Thank you for helping me see that. I rejoice in what is happening in Clayton's, as well as yours and Brian's, lives. It touches my soul. We love your family so much.
Praise God for the healing in Clayton's lungs! You are absolutely right! We need to learn how to recognize miracles when they look us in the face.
I hope you don't mind, but I am directing Emma's PT to this blog and the photos of Clayton's wheelchair, in specific. I think that his wheelchair type might be a good fit for my Emma.
And such a cute little miracle at that. Thanks for the reminder of how God works every single day whether we are immediately aware of it or not...or ever.
I needed to hear this today Ashley! You are right, miracles are all around us, we just need to open our eyes and see them! Love you! Hugs the boys for me!
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