Friday, May 29, 2009
38 Weeks

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!

Today, I celebrate my 33rd birthday. And since my mom and dad always share bits and pieces of my birth story with me each year on this day, I thought it only appropriate to have my mom document the entire story as my guest blogger. Hope you all enjoy reading how I entered the world!

I always laugh out loud when I hear someone say “a pregnant woman just has a certain glow about her.” I’m indeed happy for the women who emit such an aura, but when I was near term with you, I was tipping the scales at about 220 pounds, battling toxemia and swelling by the day. I guess one might say I had a certain glow about me, all right! Let’s see…as I remember, I didn’t see my ankles or realize they were even attached to my legs from about my 6th month on (and yes, we counted months back then, not weeks). There wasn’t even a cankle present---(can kle`: when the calves and ankles become one and aren’t separate in nature). Anyway, it had been a while since I could wear shoes. For several weeks, I was on bed rest at home and then hospitalized to try to reduce the effects of the edema and high blood pressure with stronger medication and to be more closely monitored. The first night in the hospital I lost 8 pounds---it felt like 28! After an ultra-sound revealed that I would have to have a C-section due to the size of my pelvis, it was decided that I would be discharged for the weekend (it was Friday before the Memorial Day holiday) and return on Monday for the surgery and birth. About this time, I begin to think: Geez---just how big is this baby going to be? Ballooning weight gain and not big enough to deliver? Yikes! Will the room we have prepared for our baby be adequate?
With these things to ponder, Dad and I left the hospital in our cool 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme and headed for Grandmother and Grandad’s house to spend the weekend. On the way there, as we were driving through a residential neighborhood, a little boy on a bicycle suddenly darted out in front of us and we hit him. Because these were the times of non-seat belt use, I was slammed into the dash from the impact. I wasn’t injured, just a little stunned at the jolt. After Dad checked out the little boy, found that he was okay and walked him to his house (where his Mother promptly spanked him), we continued on our way.
After getting settled in at the house, a few hours passed before I realized my water had broken and labor was beginning. Dad believes that the little incident with the boy on the bicycle was a contributing factor to cause the early labor---your due date was still 2 weeks away. We loaded up and went to the hospital and very quickly preparations were made for an emergency C-section. Now here is where I get a little fuzzy---I regret that anesthesia has such effects on me…but I know that at 8:45 pm on the evening of May 28th, 1976, the year of the bi-centennial, when The Eagles sang “Take it to the Limit” for the first time and on the day Gerald Ford, as president of our country was signing a nuclear agreement with Leonard Brezhnev from Russia, a beautiful baby girl was born to your Mom and Dad. The first grandchild for Grandmother and Grandad and the first granddaughter to sashay among four grandsons of Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw. I actually slept through your arrival, but I recall that as I was being wheeled from the operating room a sweet voice whispered to me that I had a baby girl and asked if I wanted to see her. Uh- huh. And I did see you---the next day. You were just like I had imagined, except that you weren’t near the size I had expected---a tiny 5 pounds 7 ounces (just how little is that pelvis?), with a head of black hair---brushed to the middle in the cutest curl! Those nurses in the hospital nursery must have a lot of fun with hair styles and getting the kids dressed up for Mom. My doctor confided to us later that when I got to the O.R. that my blood pressure had really shot up to a more dangerous level and he had like 2 minutes to make a quick surgical incision (from the navel down---what’s that---no more bikinis with a newly discovered small pelvis?) and get you out. He told me his hands were shaking and he was very nervous. I have a crooked scar to prove it. Neither Dad nor I ever asked him what the 2 minute warning was about---some things you just don’t want to know.
Now, 33 years later and every year on this day we will celebrate this special day when you came into our world---our first child, our only daughter, our joy and our delight that we have been blessed with beyond measure. Happy Birthday, dear daughter!
(As a footnote to this, and as we await the birth of Baby C, you might care to know that while I was pregnant with your brother, I was afraid and anxious because I thought it would be impossible for parents to love another child as much as we loved you…I was wrong.)
With these things to ponder, Dad and I left the hospital in our cool 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme and headed for Grandmother and Grandad’s house to spend the weekend. On the way there, as we were driving through a residential neighborhood, a little boy on a bicycle suddenly darted out in front of us and we hit him. Because these were the times of non-seat belt use, I was slammed into the dash from the impact. I wasn’t injured, just a little stunned at the jolt. After Dad checked out the little boy, found that he was okay and walked him to his house (where his Mother promptly spanked him), we continued on our way.

(As a footnote to this, and as we await the birth of Baby C, you might care to know that while I was pregnant with your brother, I was afraid and anxious because I thought it would be impossible for parents to love another child as much as we loved you…I was wrong.)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I ♥ Faces: Silhouettes

There are more great entries at I ♥ Faces, so go over and check them out!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
He Always Thinks of Something

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Weekend Gardener
Brian finally got his garden in this weekend. Better late than never, right?! Clayton decided he could help with a couple of plants, and he did really well except for one little part. The preparation was easy for him:

Friday, May 22, 2009
This Little Guy Look Familiar?

Here's a hint--this was him on his birthday nine months ago: 

It's little baby Tucker, my friend Allison's baby boy. I can't believe how much he's grown--and he's definitely getting a little personality! Allison brought him up this week so I could get some pictures of him. Poor little guy has to suffer through my practice photo sessions. He was more interested in sticking his tounge out at me than smiling, but I still managed to get some good shots. Here's a few:

Thursday, May 21, 2009
37 Weeks
Another week with more swollen feet! Blood pressure looking good though, just seems as though my kidneys aren't working as efficiently as they should since they have a big baby sitting on them!! And it looks as if June 3rd will be induction day if I don't go into labor before then. Part of me would like to wait until then, but most of me is READY to not be pregnant anymore!! It's just funny how panicky Brian and I both are getting about introducing a new little personality into our family mix. It's been us three for so long that it's going to be quite interesting to see how the new little guy blends in--I know it works out on it's own, but we can't help but be nervous!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I ♥ Faces: Blurb Book Contest

I am submitting this photo into the www.iheartfaces.com Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Back of the Closet
The struggle is never too far away . . . just putting it on paper:
Four sets of coordinating outfits. I bought two of them myself soon after finding out I would be having twin boys, the others gifts from Allison and GrandMother. And six years later, they still hang in Clayton's closet. With the new baby on the way, I've managed to pack most of Shawn's things and even managed to {reluctantly} relinquish them to the attic. But this last reminder of what was to be I just can't put away. In those clothes, I see a promise of a special relationship--one we'll never see come to pass. I just hope Clayton doesn't think I'm too crazy if they're still there when he's 18!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I Never Imagined: The Story (the beginning anyway!)
In the past few months, I've had several new readers visit my blog. I'm making new online friends through a Cerebral Palsy support group and lots of visitors are coming by way of these new photography challenges I'm participating in. And since I've found that several of them are curious about Shawn and Clayton's story, I've decided to repost my "I Never Imagined" album that I made way back in 2005. So many things have changed since then--my scrapbooking style for one (some of these pages are dorky looking I know!!), but mostly I've learned that my perspective is ever evolving. But despite that, my journaling in this album is definitely a record of all that happened beginning August 10, 2003.

Clayton’s [Major] Battles: • Respiratory Distress • Pulmonary Hemorrhage • Intraventricular Hemorrhages with Hydrocephalus • PDA Ligation • Perforated Bowel • Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) • Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) • Osteopenia • GI/Feeding Issues • Shunt malfunctions • Hernias • Airway Blockages • Delayed Development

As I held Shawn for both the first and last time, I sang these words to him: Before you had a name, or opened up your eyes, Or anyone could recognize your face; You were being formed, so delicate in size, Secluded in God’s safe and hidden place. With your little tiny hands, and your little tiny feet, And little eyes that shimmer like a pearl; He breathed in you a song and to make it all complete, He brought the Masterpiece into the world. You are a Masterpiece, a new creation he has formed. And you’re as soft and fresh as a snowy winter morn. And I’m so glad that God has given you to me. Little Lamb of God, you are a Masterpiece. ~from Masterpiece, by Sandy Patty~

For they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Wow. So much has changed since then! My grief for Shawn is not near as raw, although sometimes the smallest event can open the wound up in a brand new way . . . and Clayton's long term goals are so different from just four years ago. And while we have always been proactive, Brian and I are so much more educated on cerebral palsy and what it entails. As parents of a special needs child, you definitely go by the adage LIVE AND LEARN! (And LEARN FAST, I might add!) I suppose if there's ever a time you get "used to" the emotional ups and downs of surviving the death of a child and dealing with the medical conditions of another, we're there. Not to say that we've "arrived," but to at least say we are accepting it as well as possible these days. Definitely a one day at a time affair!
Friday, May 15, 2009
You Capture: Colors
One of my new favorite blogs is great for reading but as a bonus she does photography challenges. This is my new favorite thing of course since it forces me to learn about my camera and settings and all about editing my photos in photoshop.
And while my photos aren't near the quality of some of the other entrants, I decided to play along with some recent pictures I've taken.
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