We had a great end to our weekend last night. The band played at Simon Park and the weather was perfect. It was definitely bittersweet knowing Mike is moving back to Texas and that Rod is moving on to other endeavors, but I'm glad we played together while we could. I'll miss playing with those guys, and I'll miss seeing Mike each week. Rod, of course, will be graced with my presence each week anyway (he just can't get rid of us!), so no need to say goodbye to him . . . I have no idea what's in store for us on the music front. Lots of possibilites, and lots of stuff to work out, the first of which is finding replacements, which we'll be hard-pressed to do. We can't let our number one fan down, now can we???

Speaking of the little guy, he spent his Saturday afternoon being a model patient for an in-service at the clinic. And as you can see, it got off to a rough start! He was not happy with this lady AT ALL. It took one of his P.T.'s getting up there with him and it even took her about 20 minutes to get him calmed down.

He finally got relatively used to the situation, and started throwing the ball to therapists all over the room. He was liking that because they were all calling him and asking for the ball. He would call several of them by name and then throw the ball to them. He was eating up that attention, and they were all bragging to me how cute he was. Proud momma moment!

I have absolutely no idea if the woman accomplished what she wanted to with him, I was just glad he decided to stop fit-throwin' and enjoy himself!
Look at his proud face in that last picture! awwwwwwwwww I just want to hug him!
Oh and tag you are it...details on my blog :p
that last photo is priceless Ashley! Great group photo of the band too!
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