It all started with singing on the junior high cheerleading bus while we traveled to ballgames. "You need to be a singer!" "You should go to Nashville, I'll be your manager!" "You should go on Star Search!" (That statement dates me for sure!) My friends and I just knew I could be famous someday if given the chance, but I never pursued singing for real.

And when I finally came out of my shell as an adult and started singing in front of real live audiences, the first words out of my dad's mouth were "she needs to cut a record." (And that statement
really dates him!) Then when Brian and I started playing and
singing with the band, Brian and Charlie just knew I could make some "real money" if I'd just push a little harder, pursue a little bit more. Brian is still dreaming about the day we'll be traveling on my tour. Not me. I
love singing. And almost any kind of music will do, as long as I can feel the song in my heart. But when I think about a life of trying to "make it big," I can't imagine handing my mom duties over to anyone else. I look at my babies and never in a million years could I have a nanny or babysitter be in charge of their care the majority of the time! This is how I know I'm right where I should be. Taking care of and loving my babies like no one else could.
Is it hard some days? You bet. But I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Wasn't that long ago,
when I was skipping to school with a lunchbox,
pigtails in my hair.
Where did the time go?
One minute I'm playing in the sandbox,
how'd I get to here from there?
Making lunches and folding clothes,
it's not the most glamorous life I know.
But I've got so much more that most!
I'm not famous, but my kids think I'm a star!
I'm not rich, but I've made a million memories so far.
I'm not a model, but my man thinks I could be . . .
I may not be from royalty, but in these four walls, I'm a queen.
I had it all planned . . .
first I'd make it big in Nashville,
then take Hollywood by storm.
But it was in God's Hands,
'cause there were three little lives that would need me
to one day be their Mom . . .
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Those movie stars don't have everything.
I know I'm right where I wanna be.
I'm not famous, but my kids think I'm a star!
I'm not rich, but I've made a million memories so far.
I'm not a model, but my man thinks I could be . . .
I may not be from royalty, but in these four walls, I'm a queen.