After lots of debating, praying, and thinking, we've decided to pursue the power chair route for Clayton. The change is still very scary, but that's a whole 'nother blog post . . . we were able to look at our first one today, and Clayton was just about to come unglued from the excitement! He wouldn't even let the salesman get through telling us about all the gadgets--he was READY TO DRIVE! We tried it in the house, but he just isn't that great of a driver and he doesn't stop when told to do so! We took him outside even though it was cold, just so he could have at it with no limits. The whole chair was a bit big for him, but those details would be changed on his actual chair. The joystick was a little far from his reach--I'm not sure if he went in reverse because of this or simply because he liked "backing it up" better than going forward. At any rate, he was having a blast and was sad to see the chair go back into the truck. As for us, we're more overwhelmed than ever with the decision. We're praying we find "the perfect chair." And praying it actually exists!