Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meet Jack and Annie

After reading about these toy people on Pioneer Woman's website, my mom quickly purchased a set for Clayton. He's never played with "little people" and he loves these little guys! He immediately started calling the girl in the wheelchair Annie and soon after we began to call this other young man Jack. (All in an ode to his favorite books: The Magic Treehouse Series). And since they had names, we were obligated to name their friends. Brian helped him out with that:
Left to right: Nelson, Jim, Mrs. Walker, and Susan
And just like any other boy, he thinks it's the most fun to torture them by throwing them off his tray, sending them over to certain death---Annie is usually the only one who gets to stay on the tray and play!


Katy said...

Super! Charlie's not quite ready for pretend play yet--they'd all be dead at my house.

Patti H said...

those are super cool play people

Tara Bennett said...

I saw these and am doing a post about them this Friday. Aren't they so cool!?!

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Cool! I love that he tosses them overboard (I will never understand why boys like destruction, but they do!) and that Annie gets to stay and play. So fun!

Cheri Pryor said...

Hmmm....me thinks Clayton has a crush on Annie. lol!!