Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Something Had to Give

I think I'm finally getting on top of things around here. Only a mild tornado follows me around instead of a full blown F4 these days! And I think I discovered the trick last week: I pretty much ignored all the message boards I visit and all the blogs I read. Amazing how much time those two things will eat up. I sit down at the computer only wanting to spend about thirty minutes catching up, and before I know it I've been there for two hours and it's time to go get Clayton at therapy. I love keeping up with my online friends, but for now it's best that I just keep my online time to emailing, researching, and blogging for myself and Kidz. Sooner or later I'll have time to actually get caught up with everyone again!


Yankee said...

You need time for you and yours.

Patti H said...

We know how to find you Ashley! It is hard with two and homeschooling too! It will all come together Ashley

Katy said...

sometimes that's the only way to do it--especially when you've got a newborn at home! I could barely keep my eyes open when Charlie was a baby.

Cheri Pryor said...

It's all good...we always know we can come here to find you!