Wednesday, November 25, 2009

C is for Clayton

I can't tell you what a difference there was in our schooling last week! The stress level for me went down to almost nil and I think Clayton actually took in some knowledge since things weren't so abstract for him! The new system of Letter of the Week is working wonderfully so far. I hope the positive changes just keep on coming.

On the bookshelf:
Caps for Sale
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
In the Castle

Song of the Week:
Count Your Blessings

Bible Story of the Week:

Since you already saw our vocabulary words, I won't show them again, but by the end of the week, Clayton was able to tell both my mom and me even more words that began with C. Our math lesson for the week involved COUNTING his CARS and CLASSIFYING them by COLOR. Our science lesson included reading an animal book and finding all the animals whose names began with C. Our social studies lesson was about CASTLES. With Letter of the Week, each lesson is short but effective. Right up Clayton's alley!

For our field trip/extracurricular activity, we met with our homeschooling group to make Thanksgiving CARDS for some nursing home residents.
He only made a few cards, and even those were made under duress. The whole actvity was sensory overload for him. But the visit to the nursing home was a different story . . . he loved being surrounded by so many wheelchairs and was disappointed the next day when we couldn't go back!

On Saturday we wrapped up the week with an art project with waterCOLORS. Again, sensory overload, but he participated long enough to get his C made on the page. All in all, a good week of learning activities!


Christine said...

Clayton you are doing such amazing job.

Melanie said...

i Love this idea and if you don't mind am going to steal it!!

Can't wait to start next week with Daniel and incorporate it in.

Cheri Pryor said...

I LOVE Caps For Sale!! I still have MY original book from when I was little. One of my childhood favs for sure!

Congrats on finding the right grove for Clayton! How exciting!!

Cheri Pryor said...

Okay....that's "groove" for Clayton. It's not like you went picking apples or anything.