Thursday, March 26, 2009

29 Weeks

YAY for another week of pregnancy! Don't have much to report since I didn't even have to see the doctor this week. I did go in for my shot, but got to skip the ultrasound this time since I've been doing so well! This week has been a little weird because I'm actually preparing for the baby--something I didn't get to do the last go around. I've been going through Clayton's baby clothes and sorting through what I can use. I even managed to get registered this week (even though I really didn't have a clue what I was doing!). I hope I'm remembering all the basics, we'll just have to wait and see when the baby gets here!

1 comment:

Noel said...

Oh my gosh...Ashley!! I'm so happy for you! I'm sorry it's been so long since I have blogged hopped. Congratulations!! Big hugs!
Clayton looks like he's doing so well... YAY!!