And in true Arkansas fashion, today was almost cold. We actually walked around the block and my hands were pretty darn chilled afterwards--don't worry, it was a short walk and I had Clayton bundled up. He didn't seem to mind at all because once we got back he talked for an hour about riding on the four wheeler. I'm not about to try that on my own, so I loaded him up in the van for a ride around town. I'm sure I raised a few eyebrows because I decided it would be a good time to get some pictures I need for my upcoming Scrap Etc. trip. We are supposed to take pics of "places we go," so I pulled up in front of several places and stuck my camera out the window to snap the picture. I even drove by our old apartment and snapped a pic there for a future scrapbook page. I'm sure some people were wondering why I was taking pics of their house or place of business. Oh well, maybe they'll think I was a private eye or something! There is one thing that this assignment made me realize--we don't GO very many places!! Just the same ones over and over!
Clayton is still the same--it's pretty weird because one of the nurses we deal with all the time called and said she had another mom call her today with the same "symptoms" or lack thereof . . . she was just like me, starting to wonder if the monitor was even right! Maybe this is just some weird strain of a virus that's going around. Who knows???