Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wheelchair Wreck!

My poor baby! While on our way into clinic yesterday I let go of his wheelchair for a split second only to see him roll off the ledge of the sidewalk and flip over onto the parking lot! It was horrible! He was under the wheelchair and had landed right on his head (as you can see from the picture). He looks even worse today because everything has scabbed over--I know everyone's thinking "what did you do to that poor child???!" I was just as traumatized as he was, if not more so. I cried, his O. T. cried, and Clayton cried! I even had them call the paramedics because all I could think was shunt malfunctions and siezures! By the time the paramedics left, he was smiling and saying hi to everyone, but it sure was a close call. Thank God he's okay!!! (And now we get to have cute little fourth birthday photos with battlescars--guess he really is becoming a little boy!)


Gigi said...

Bless his heart and yours! His birthday pictures will be cute anyway.

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Poor Clayton! Glad it wasn't worse...

Jen said...

Awwwww! Big hugs! Clayton is so adorable!

Leslie said...

just remember it could've been worse. he'll heal and as you said by the end of your time there he was smiling again. we all do things that we think are innocent and something happens we didn't expect.

Paula... said...

What a scare for both of you - I'm so glad he's ok and you're both on the road to recovery :)