We've made it to the homestretch! Still having random contractions, my cervix is shortening, but we are now in the safe zone and things like this are normal now! The baby weighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces yesterday and as you can tell from his little face, he's actually getting a little chubby!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I ♥ Faces: Reflection
So I've been following this blog for a while now and I finally decided to throw my photos in the hat. It's too bad I picked a really tough theme for my first contest with them! Fortunately, I had just taken a self-portrait of myself not too long ago that was my reflection, so the only challenge was getting a pic of Clayton involving a reflection. And did I mention Clayton is less than a willing photo subject for Momma these days????
And my entry for the kid category:
Their contests run every week so head over to http://www.iheartfaces.blogspot.com/ to check it out!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Soccer Season
This past Saturday was Clayton's first soccer practice of the year. It's always interesting to see what's going to happen with him out there on the field! His two helpers definitely got a workout since he did little walking on his own. Towards the end, he did finally talk them into getting him out of the walker--that was when the REAL workout started . . .he's just so stiff with those AFO's on that there's no easy answer on moving him around the field. We are planning on trying his reverse walker next week and if that doesn't work, I say let him wear his regular shoes so he can loosen up and kick the ball!
Can you see him waving back at mom? :) 

Throwing the ball into the goal:

And here they are planning their strategy:

Snapped the pic right after he kicked the ball:

And here's how they motored around the field--just picked up his feet and pushed onward . . .

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Now Taking Suggestions

Thursday, April 23, 2009
33 Weeks
This last week felt like a whole month! But I'm glad to report that I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER! Yesterday I only had a couple of contractions so it seems like my body is finally settling down after all the commotion from being sick. Thank the Lord I'm past that horrible nauseated feeling!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hello, Old Friend

I guess it was sometime in January 2004 that Clayton was able to actually start trying to directly breastfeed. And hence, the whole preemie issue of "oral aversion" was introduced into our lives. (Oral aversion: preemies develop this condition from having the ventilator tubing down their throats for so long and from not initially learning to eat right out of the womb). He started breastfeeding just a bit, but it soon became too overwhelming for him. We then moved to the bottle and again, he initially did well. And then POOF! One day it was over. He refused to put a bottle in his mouth and when you did get it in there, he choked and sputtered all over the place. Feedings quickly became nightmares for all involved! This was all still in the NICU, and Clayton couldn't go home until he was feeding well on his own. After a couple of weeks of literally fighting him to feed from a bottle eight times a day, we made the decision to put the g-tube in. A g-tube has it's own set of problems, but I'm so glad we went ahead and did it since that was the only thing keeping Clayton from coming home.
But back to the milk . . .Clayton continued receiving my breastmilk through his tube for several months, but he just didn't grow. We finally started seeing a GI doctor and discovered he was allergic to milk and wasn't going to grow as long as we kept giving him something he couldn't even absorb well! I just about went into mourning when I discovered all of my milk would go to waste. All my hardwork down the drain! I even tried to find a place to donate it to, but no one in Arkansas took it and I would have to pay to ship it to Texas, the closest place. Couldn't do that, so reluctantly, I threw almost two deep freezers full of breastmilk away. Definitely a sad day for a lactating momma!
SOOOOOOO. . . that all being said, I'm really looking forward to getting a redo on breastfeeding. I know I won't need the pump as much, and feeding a baby actually seems a little scary to me (that pump was very reliable and worked right on schedule!), but if I'm able to pick up where I left off last time, breastfeeding this time around should go very well!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Shifting Gears
I'm still getting over last week. It's almost like I'm moving in slow motion while my mind is making list after list of things I need to be doing. I spent Saturday taking it easy and the minute I decided to get up and move around, the contractions slowly returned, albeit randomly. I felt even better Sunday morning and since the sun was shining, decided to give church a go. I really needed to be there anyway since the day was supposed to be spent preparing for the Caravan Blue and White Dinner that yours truly was in charge of! To be honest, the service was mostly a blur because all three of us seemed out of it--even Clayton was extra whiney from all the craziness of last week. And even though I should have come home and gone straight back to the couch, I did manage to get back up to the church to at least help a bit and supervise the dinner. I was actually okay for a while, but it was definitely time for me to sit down and rest long before the dinner ever even started. 

Just to prove how bad I felt: I only took two pictures and never even bothered to ask anyone to use my camera for pictures! Definitely a sign that I'm not feeling well!
I'm so glad I had MANY, MANY helpers who took the bull by the horns last night and just did what had to be done--the dinner went over without a hitch and the families and kids had a great time (from what I've heard and could tell).
I'm hoping to spend the rest of the week taking it easy--I'm just sending major "stay-in-the-womb" vibes to Baby C!
Friday, April 17, 2009
32 Weeks
Wow. What a week.
Monday afternoon: fever
Monday night: fever + contractions
Tuesday morning: contractions + severe morning sickness (AKA vomitting on the side of the road on the way to the doctor!)
Tuesday all day: stay in labor & delivery (negative flu test, negative fetal fibronectin test, CBC good, a little anenemic, no dehydration BUT contractions 2-4 minutes apart). shots to stop contractions, sent home only to spend the afternoon throwing up and eventually adding diarrhea to the mix. oh, what joy!
Wednesday: severe nausea + a few contractions. back to doctor and labor & delivery for IV fluids and nausea meds. spent the afternoon in a stupor but at least the contractions and nausea were finally gone. finally able to keep some food down but my belly was cramping big time.
Thursday day: feeling MUCH better, able to function and even help with Clayton a bit.
Thursday evening: ended up passing out on my parents and realized that maybe my recovery would be a bit slower than I thought.
Today: Feeling even better, but still afraid to push myself.
AND IN THE MEANTIME, Little Baby C has been handling the stress wonderfully. He's been moving around and enjoying the excitement I guess . . . He weighs 4 pounds 4 oz. now and just for good measure I got two steroid shots for his lungs due to all the contractions. I'm glad they're on board, but I'll be just as happy to have him wait about four more weeks before making his entrance!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
31 Weeks

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Nature's Way?

(Photo taken at the local university--I can't believe these tulips have survived the wind and cold air of the past few days!)
Monday, April 06, 2009
Palm Sunday

In following tradition, our kids waved the palms in honor of Palm Sunday yesterday. Every single year that Clayton has participated, it's all I can do to keep from sobbing! I'm just so darn proud of him for being able to participate right along side the rest of the kids. And this year he even did it without Daddy's help! (And with a smile on his face at that!)
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009
I've been going through a lot of my old pictures lately and boy, was I surprised at what I discovered! I was absolutely flabbergasted at how much weight Clayton put on after his new diet kicked in--and I've basically been feeling guilty ever since! How could we not have seen how heavy he was getting?! I guess we were just so glad to find a GI doctor that could make him grow that we were oblivious to the predicament we were putting both him and us in. It's taken quite some time for him to actually grow length wise and slim up instead of grow out . . .and we did ourselves no favors since he is totally dependent on us for mobility! Here he is in the NICU (August 2003) just a couple of days old (1 lb, 8 oz). He's so skinny, you can count his little ribs.
And here he is at almost a week old--still the preemie skinny: 

This pic was taken some time in late 2004 here at home. He weighed around 12 lbs for several months:

And then in February 2005, we finally started seeing the new doc and started the new feeding regiment. And when she said she could "get a rock to grow if you feed it enough of the right stuff," she wasn't kidding! You can see by this pic in July 2005, he was finally starting to get his baby fat:

And then this next one bothers me big time (July 2006). He is always beautiful, but how could we not recognize how chubby he was??? I mean, when I look at this pic, I think he looks sick in the total opposite way that he was in the beginning. And we never even realized it! It didn't help that he had his dad's shorty genes either! He ended up getting to the 95th percentile in weight while still in the negative percentiles on height. Quite the little chunk--no wonder he was slow to make gains in physical therapy . . . I can't believe how hard we made it on him and that we didn't recognize it enough to say a big NO to the doctor on increasing his calories anymore. She has since told me she likes to err on the side of a heavy baby, but I can't say I would always agree with that position. For a child who gets no "regular" excercise, and who is totally dependent on others for mobility; it just seems natural to err on the lighter side of weight. But hindsight is 20/20 I suppose, and like I said earlier, we were just so glad to see him grow out of that preemie look that we didn't even notice! (Oh, and I do have to say that those big, beautiful eyes still stand out!)

And then in February 2005, we finally started seeing the new doc and started the new feeding regiment. And when she said she could "get a rock to grow if you feed it enough of the right stuff," she wasn't kidding! You can see by this pic in July 2005, he was finally starting to get his baby fat:

And then this next one bothers me big time (July 2006). He is always beautiful, but how could we not recognize how chubby he was??? I mean, when I look at this pic, I think he looks sick in the total opposite way that he was in the beginning. And we never even realized it! It didn't help that he had his dad's shorty genes either! He ended up getting to the 95th percentile in weight while still in the negative percentiles on height. Quite the little chunk--no wonder he was slow to make gains in physical therapy . . . I can't believe how hard we made it on him and that we didn't recognize it enough to say a big NO to the doctor on increasing his calories anymore. She has since told me she likes to err on the side of a heavy baby, but I can't say I would always agree with that position. For a child who gets no "regular" excercise, and who is totally dependent on others for mobility; it just seems natural to err on the lighter side of weight. But hindsight is 20/20 I suppose, and like I said earlier, we were just so glad to see him grow out of that preemie look that we didn't even notice! (Oh, and I do have to say that those big, beautiful eyes still stand out!)
He finally started slimming up (or stretching out you might say) in 2007. This one was in September:
And in July 2008:

He's been on the same calorie intake for three years. Which translates to a big-time diet for his age. And while his weight has finally leveled off (he's been at or around fourty pounds for at least a year now), he continues to grow taller and his legs are getting longer and longer. Definitely a better way to grow in my opinion! Here he is in February of this year, all healthy little boy and baby no more . . .

He's been on the same calorie intake for three years. Which translates to a big-time diet for his age. And while his weight has finally leveled off (he's been at or around fourty pounds for at least a year now), he continues to grow taller and his legs are getting longer and longer. Definitely a better way to grow in my opinion! Here he is in February of this year, all healthy little boy and baby no more . . .
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
30 Weeks
Just got back from my 30 week appointment. Felt like I hadn't seen the doctor in ages since it had been a whole two weeks! I still feel good and in general I'm doing well, but things are changing. The good news: my cervix is still very thick. The not-so-good news: I've dilated to a "tight 1 (cm)" which is a definite change from the last time she checked me (cervix was fully closed at last check). I also had "large blood volume" in my urine today, so that's been sent off for a culture to see if it's another bladder infection or if the blood is coming from my cervix. She asked me if I've been having contractions, and to be honest I really don't know! The baby is EXTREMELY busy almost all the time and it feels like he's been turning lots of somersaults--who knows? These feelings may actually be some contractions??? All I know is I didn't know I was contracting during my last labor until they hooked me up to the monitor and told me I was, so I'm probably not the best person to ask!! She sent off another fetal fibronectin test since things were changing. We'll know the results tomorrow and go from there.
Surprisingly, I wasn't panicked after the visit. I just feel so blessed to have gotten this far that I feel like I'm in the home stretch now. And the baby looked great on the ultrasound today. It took her forever to get his heartrate because he was "practicing" breathing. You could see his little chest moving back and forth. Doctor says this is a sign of fetal well-being and that means he's a happy camper! I say keep on practicing breathing, baby, because it'll be great to have those nice and healthy lungs!!!
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