Monday, June 25, 2007

The Week in Pictures

I've been busy, thus the neglected blog. Thought I'd just post the week in pictures, starting with last Saturday. We went to the lake with my brother's family. Can't wait to do it again--the kids keep things hoppin'!

Josh, Nicole and Taylor:
Brian with Drew:
My brother (and yes, he landed!):

My dad with Clayton:
My mom with Drew:

Clayton, before his haircut. He's finally big enough for the cape!
During the haircut:

And after:
Spencer's pool party:

Clayton is obsessive about stickers. And for some reason he wants them all over his head (yes, he directed all these placements!):
And today was the Korean War Memorial Dedication. This is my grandfather. Look for more pics of this event soon.


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Looks like a great weekend outdoors!

Leslie said...

great photos! I'm so glad I stopped by to look this evening. I love the last one of Clayton with the flag!

Kelli said...

oh I just want to pinch Clayton's cheeks, I'm pretty sure he'd hate me for that. LOL I love these pics...does Clayton go on the tube or anything on the boat? Can he do that? YAY boating...we need a boat. hmmmmmm.