Thursday, January 08, 2009

18 Weeks

I knew it was coming, but I'm still in shock. I saw the doctor today and my cervix was just a tad shorter this time--still in the normal range, no major change, but definitely shorter by a few milimeters. I start weekly progesterone shots tomorrow and for now I will see her for weekly measurements instead of every two weeks. She called the perinatologists to discuss putting a stitch in and so they are on notice that I may be coming in soon for their opinion. Now all of this news in itself isn't all that shocking considering my first pregnancy, but what's thrown me for a loop was the doctor telling me that under no circumstances can I lift Clayton or his chair anymore. YIKES. I knew this would come eventually too, but there was no way to get ready for it. This definitely throws a wrench into plans of everyday life. I guess we're just going to take it one day at a time. I'm already finding myself wondering what about when this happens? what about when we do such and such? But we're willing to deal with any and all inconviences in order to get the healthiest baby possible. Pray all goes well for us in the coming months!!


Nic said...

You know we'll be praying!!

Patti H said...

oh Ashley i wished i lived closer to help you out even if it was just to visit and have someone to talk to. We have you in our thoughts everyday! Hugs and sending you good baby vibes. We have to have a telephone chat real soon!!

Yankee said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Wish I could send you me one day a week to help out.

Oscar T. Grouch said...

Hugs and Prayers to you.

Anonymous said...


What does the cervix size indicate? Don't go into anything you're not comfotable with, though. I don't really understand why the boys came so early last time, and don't at all want you to go into anything painful. I am curious, though, as to what the doctors watch for in what they consider a higher risk pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs for you guys Ashley!

Cheri Pryor said...

Prayers continuing for you and your little bambino. God will provide every resource you need. ((hugs))