Friday, January 30, 2009


Time for me to get on my soapbox again. You see this bruise? This is what happens when a doctor insists on doing things their way even though that way DOES NOT work for Clayton. I get so sick of "protocol" and rules at the hospital, and especially sick of doctors who refuse to listen to the people who know the patient best. A little background for those who don't know or don't remember: Clayton has to get his Botox injections in the O.R. because when they do it the "normal" way in Day Medicine, an I.V. has to be started and he is completely awake. And since his veins are completely ruined from having so many I.V.s, it is an absolute nightmare to get an I.V. started on him while he is awake. So the solution was to move to the O.R., give him some gas, and in ten minutes the injections are done and over. It's worked well so far, but today's anesthesiologist thought she knew better. And even though Shuna (the nurse practitioner who administers the injections) put up a good fight on Clayton's behalf in the O.R., the doctor insisted on poking and prodding on him anyway. And of course, the injections were over before she could ever get one started. Shuna was very upset when we got to Clayton in recovery and knew we would be too, so she told me even she was having to take "deep cleansing breaths" in order to calm down. It really irks me because I'm sure all the doctor managed to do was just create even more scar tissue in his little veins. Like he needed any more. It's just one more example of how some people in the medical profession want to fit everyone into a certain box, even though their circumstances dictate otherwise. Lucky for us Clayton is as resilent as ever and seems to be feeling well anyway. (But when I said something about those "goofy doctors," he said "MY HAND!" with no prompting at all. He knows exactly what's going on, and I'm sure it bugs him even more than the rest of us since he actually has to live through it!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nothing Like a Trip to the E.R.

To keep everyone on their toes! Last night I was leaving for a friend's house and on my way out was taking the trash to the trash can. I took one step on the driveway and BOOM! I slipped and fell hard on my right side. It hurt, but I immediately started freaking out because of the baby. I couldn't believe my luck! I started yelling for Brian and he finally heard me as I was getting up. Clayton ended up going into a tizzy because of all the commotion--he knew something was wrong. I called the nurse and she definitely recommended going in to get checked out. So instead of going to visit with my friends, I got to make a trip to Labor and Delivery. The ultrasound of the baby looked fine--he was moving like crazy, so much so that they could hardly get a good read on his heartrate. I stayed hooked up to the monitors for about thirty minutes to make sure I wasn't having contractions and then we were on our way. I've got a heck of a bruise forming on my leg and I'm noticing my right arm is sore today too, so I must have landed on it as well. I had planned on doing some things today, but I'm thinking I'll just take it easy and not push my luck any farther!

Monday, January 26, 2009

One More Week

It looks like Clayton will be at home from school at least one more week. After finally starting to get over RSV, he's still on 2 liters of oxygen and coughing some. He acts like he feels fine, but he has Botox injections scheduled for this Friday and the last thing I want to do is send him back to school just so he can get sick again and not get the injections. He is overdue for Botox and his legs are so stiff, we really need him to be well for that appointment. So it's therapy at home this week and lots of pre-planning for "babysitters" since I'll need help lifting him. Thank the Lord for good family and friends who are willing to help!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

I love you and hope you have a great day!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

One More View

Just got this view scanned in as well. The baby is still looking at us, but with his face slightly turned so that you can actually see a more human appearance. His eyes are closed and the arrow is pointing between his lip and nose. Do you see him? Do you see his little sleeping face? So, so sweet!

20 Weeks

Things are still looking good! My cervix is still holding steady and the baby is looking great. The doctor looked over all of his little internal organs and they all seem to be completely normal. And here's the kicker--he's measuring TALL for his gestational age! Not sure what happened there considering his daddy's genes, but we'll for sure take it!
He's laying on his right side looking straight at us in this pic. The arrow is pointing to his right eye so that should give everyone some perspective. He was looking at us most of the ultrasound, mouth opening and closing. So cool to glimpse his little life in the womb!
I see the perinatologist on Monday for an evaluation. We're mainly going just to talk about options since high-risk pregnancies are his specialty. My ultrasound is scheduled for 8:30 and the appointment sheet says I will see the doctor as soon as possible afterwards. I'm sure hoping that doesn't mean we're there all day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Night Out

Saturday night I went out with a huge group of girlfriends for dinner and a movie. Of course the occassion was "Bride Wars." It was great to get out with so many of my friends, I only wish we could have visited more!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Somebody's Praying!"

Direct quote from my doctor after she measured my cervix every which way she could and only got measurements that were LONGER than Monday's measurements!! So keep on praying, and I'll keep on taking it easy!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The New Cot

When Clayton started school, he had quite the time adjusting to laying down on his cot for nap time. But after they let him start listening to his music, he learned to love it. (Even though he never actually sleeps for them). He got to where he was talking about that cot all the time! So we figured what better starting point for a toddler bed than this? And with that, Santa brought Clayton his very own "new cot" for home. We set it up in our room (you didn't really think we'd move him across the house so fast did you???), and we braced ourselves for the first night. (Keep in mind that Brian and I are just as attached to sleeping with him as he is with us!) That first night was so hard for us--the first thing that happened once we had him in the bed was "Momma, hold your hand." So we immediately moved the bed right next to ours and now I have to hang my hand off the side of the bed basically until he goes to sleep! He's slept there maybe a total of 6 or 7 full nights and some nights he almost makes it, but for the most part he goes to sleep without much fuss (just takes him forever like normal), and after a few hours he wakes up crying and just can't get himself calmed back down. And it's absolutely amazing--as soon as Brian lifts him up and puts him in our bed, he's immediately back to sleep within seconds. Just something about Momma's bed I guess!

Neurotic Pregnant Woman

Okay, so ever since last Thursday my imagination has been running wild. I took it real easy this weekend, but I was still analyzing every little pain or feeling I had in my body. I just knew I was going to go into labor at any moment, so I called the doctor yesterday morning and they saw me in the afternoon. (I'm sure the nurse was wondering why I didn't go for therapy instead of coming to their office!) It's amazing how stress can affect your body--my blood pressure was higher than I've ever seen it--it's no wonder I couldn't sit still! The doctor measured me again and I was the same, thank the Lord! She is still going to visit with the perinatologists again about my options and I'll see her on Thursday for my regular appointment. I calmed way down after I saw little Baby C playing with his foot like nothing exciting was happening. Very reassuring and I feel much better today, especially since Clayton is back at school and I can just sit in one place most of the day. I appreciate all the prayers everyone is saying on our behalf--they are working!!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

18 Weeks

I knew it was coming, but I'm still in shock. I saw the doctor today and my cervix was just a tad shorter this time--still in the normal range, no major change, but definitely shorter by a few milimeters. I start weekly progesterone shots tomorrow and for now I will see her for weekly measurements instead of every two weeks. She called the perinatologists to discuss putting a stitch in and so they are on notice that I may be coming in soon for their opinion. Now all of this news in itself isn't all that shocking considering my first pregnancy, but what's thrown me for a loop was the doctor telling me that under no circumstances can I lift Clayton or his chair anymore. YIKES. I knew this would come eventually too, but there was no way to get ready for it. This definitely throws a wrench into plans of everyday life. I guess we're just going to take it one day at a time. I'm already finding myself wondering what about when this happens? what about when we do such and such? But we're willing to deal with any and all inconviences in order to get the healthiest baby possible. Pray all goes well for us in the coming months!!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Regularly Scheduled Life

Today it was back to work and school for Brian and Clayton. As for me, it's continuing to get ready for the baby and taking care of myself. Last week I started rearranging EVERYTHING in our closets and in Clayton's room in order to make room for this new baby. Since I still have the crib set up exactly like it was the day Clayton came home, I'll be using that room for the baby's room. That just means I have to do a lot of organizing of Clayton's stuff to make room for a new little guy in there. I'm making progress, but it's been slow going so far. At this rate, I should be done by my due date!!!!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year/Happy Birthday Brian!

And the poor guy even had to cook for the crowd on his birthday . . . (glad he considers that a good time!)
We had a great New Year's Eve and Day (even though we were in bed way before 12:00 rolled around!). Brian's birthday went great and all is well here in our household . . .here's to a great 2009!