Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday, Monday

Thought to ponder: Why do kids only get sick at night and then act better in the morning and they want to play when you are worn out?
Update: I talked to the therapist's supervisor and the therapist and it's definitely over! Thank goodness I'm rid of that situation!
Clayton: We spent all day at Children's Friday only to end up with a flu shot that has had him running fever for most of the weekend and all of last night. He hasn't run fever today, but he still feels really bad. His little throat hurts and he is congested (more oxygen needed). We see ENT tomorrow and pulmonary Thursday for already scheduled appointments--they will be able to check him out real good.
Scrapbooking: I was asked by a fellow ScrapJazzer to do design work for her online store (very flattering!). She is in the middle of revamping her entire site and wanted to add some design team members. Her store website is and for now we are posting our work for her on a blog: I really like the other designers and I look forward to working with this team--Noel was more than generous with all of the supplies she sent (and they all worked together great), so it was easy to crank out those two layouts. Look for more in the near future.

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