Clayton had his yearly checkups with his orthopedic and neurosurgeon doctors in Memphis this week. And since the appointments were on back to back days, we went all in and decided to make a family getaway of it. Part of that trip would include a visit with Brian's cousin, who moved with her family to the Memphis area recently. We knew Rosalind was near-term pregnant, but we still wanted to get together with her and her husband and kids. But when her daughter came down with a high fever virus, we reluctantly cancelled our plans to visit, since we can't risk Clayton getting sick.
We had a painless experience at our first appointment on Wednesday and spent the afternoon at the Memphis Zoo. Meanwhile, Rosalind was busy going into labor across town! When we realized she was in the hospital, we knew we should visit. We figured the hospital was downtown, so we decided we might have to wait until late Thursday afternoon after Clayton's appointment. On a whim Thursday morning, I decided to check the GPS to see where the hospital was located. And guess what? It was RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Clayton's clinic way out in Germantown. Brian and I knew that was our sign that we should move up our visit.

Rosalind said she immediately started crying when Brian walked in. When you're having a baby far away from home, and you can't have your mom with you, I'm certain any familiar [as in family] face is a welcome sight. We had a great (but short) visit with Chris and Rosalind. (Baby was too sick for us to see and had to be moved to the NICU). I'm sad that our kids didn't get to play together, but I am so happy we were there for this moment in Rosalind's life. We are definitely not her mom and dad, and definitely not her sister and brother, but I hope that Brian being there was enough of a pinch hit to give Ros and Chris a feel for home on their fourth (!) baby's birthday.
I'm doing my best to recognize God's hand in the details of my life. I admit that in some things, I'm a little blind to His work, and struggle to gain His perspective. But when I do recognize His orchestration of the details, I want to be quick to thank Him--this visit is one such circumstance where it was obvious He was working behind the scenes to make sure Rosalind had a hug from home on this special day.