And now for the layouts. These first two are from our trip and I still have lots more to come from Nashville!
One of Clayton with his new speech therapist:
I started a "He" book about Brian. I figured I never really scrap about him and I'd hate for our great-great grandkids to look at my scrapbooks and think "where's the hubby?"
These next two were inspired by my sister-in-law's blog. She keeps the great pics coming, and I just print them off and scrap!! Hope you like these, Nicole!
This layout was done for a "clustering" challenge:
And this one for a layering challenge:
Another one for my "She" book:
And this last one was done for a personal challenge. Someone found out I never use glitter or "bling" on my layouts and they dared me to get glammed up a bit. And this is what happened!