Monday, November 27, 2006

Is This Weird?

I really like Mondays! Call me crazy, but the weekends are really hard for me unless we have something specific planned. I look forward to the weekdays because Clayton has a definite schedule, which means I have a schedule. On the weekends, we are just loosey goosey--in limbo, with no specific order to life. Especially now that we've given up on church for the time being. Not only is Saturday bad, but Sunday too! Don't get me wrong, I have PLENTY to keep me busy, but I'm not too motivated these days. I'm really hoping the holidays will give me something new to focus on--I'm sure I can stay busy these next few weekends.


Paula... said...

I thrive on routine also and as much as I love it when Friday night comes around (as all afterschool activities are over and done with) I find I just plod along all weekend and never seem to get a lot done. I love it when we plan on going out with the girls (even it's just a picnic or something) but I'm home all week surrounded by the same walls and I just want to get out on the weekends.

Christy said...

routines are fabulous. I am lost with out them. Not that I don't have stuff I could do- but without structure- I am no go!

I hope you are feeling better and more focused. Prayin for you!